In "Taking your service monkey to the airport."

Pray for Mojo.

In "We've all heard about toxoplasmosis,"

Sounds like Fritz Leiber's Green Millenium.

In "Anonymous, George: Why Won't He Wear The Ring?"

Ask him to get a Prince Albert [NSFW] instead!

In "This just in - Bush is a liberal!"

The Real Story

In "I hate to say I told you so."

Yum: "The Elizabethans prepared beetroot by wiping it with fresh dung before cooking it."

In "Monkeys for sale..."

Pray for Mojo.

In "Alley Cats."

Touching exploitation. Did the authors do anything to actually help their subject cats beyond feeding them to help get photos? I see no mention of this. Perhaps I missed something?

In "Having gorillas for dinner."

Actually, most bushmeat is eaten by the well-off in Africa. Farmed meats such as beef and goat are far less expensive in the market.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)